where its documented

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June 17, 2014

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Oh my goodness if this session isn’t one of the cutest you ever did see! I adore these little boys and their parents! They certainly aren’t strangers to this blog, but now it’s the newest Haveman brother’s photo shoot..little Ford Bear. Of course his big brothers, Jett and Beckett are in on the fun too! […]

June 13, 2014

Ok…que the waterworks, folks. This post is not related to anything business, but just my heart. Meet my almost 14 year old…almost freshman ( in HIGH SCHOOL PEOPLE!)…super amazing kind-hearted, Jack. Middle School has come to a close for my boy and the next chapter awaits. I don’t feel ready. But, that is how life […]

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June 9, 2014

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Kelly Braman Photography is giving away one lifestyle session! How fun is that? Why are we doing this, you may ask? Well…now that Kelly has help from her amazing intern, Alexianna, she is able to document children and families this summer! Kelly has 2 boys of her own and LOVES lifestyle sessions! What are they you […]

May 11, 2014

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the mama’s today! This also applies to all of the aunties, grandmas, caretakers, foster mamas, mentoring mamas,mamas who gave up their babies for adoption, mama’s raising orphans in the bush, daddy’s raising littles without mamas, and anyone I missed! If you love on a child and invest in their […]

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May 8, 2014

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Mini sessions at Kelly Braman Photography only happen once per year, so mark your calendars – this going to be great! Kelly is a custom photographer and you can see from her online portfolio that her images reflect the love and laughter that her clients want to remember long after their babies have grown. We […]