February 17, 2013

Happy Friday! | Kelly Braman Photography | Grand Rapids Wedding Photography

Hi guys!  Happy Friday!


I just wanted to leave you with a bit of encouragement heading into the weekend! Now that I am committed to NO FB for lent…I am excited to see how God works on my heart during the next 38 days:)

As I was doing my devotional this morning…I was reminded of how incredibly blessed I am. Can you think of 5 things you are thankful for? Even if things are going badly in your life today..can you still find 5 things that you are blessed with?

I am truly opening my eyes to the little things in my day to day life that make my heart happy. It’s almost so silly to write down but here goes:

1. my husband drawing me a bath last night (who says drawing a bath???…haha…I guess me 😉  what else would I call it ??! lol)…so simple..yet, so sweet of him. I NEVER take baths and I just thought…that sounds super relaxing. I am ALWAYs working so this was a nice treat.

2. time with my boys. I am soo fortunate to be able to be at home with my boys during the week and I have truly been enjoying spending quality time with them. Now that I am committing to slowing down and being present when they get home(getting all of my work done while they are at school) this is making me feel less stressed and happy to hang with them. I used to work all day and all night. Sneak in dinner and I can’t even tell you the last time I watched an entire television show. Setting boundaries for myself is key. It’s been lovely!

3. snuggles with sully. He makes my heart happy.

4.girlfriends. they keep it real with me and do not tell me what I want to hear. they love me unconditionally and cheer me on! I know we all want the very best for each other and we acknowledge our paths are very unique and different and that is awesome! I am truly blessed.

5. Sunsets. I am in awe of them. I take tons of pictures of them and feel God drawing my attention to Him. He truly is the most wonderul artist and I just love seeing his beauty in the sky.


Of course..I have a ton of  other things to be thankful for …but, these were on the top of my head. Stay focused on the positive and when life gets heavy…help someone else and I promise you…you will in turn..feel better!

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! I am headed to a fun photograper baby shower.  I know they are busy with the details and will not check my blog so I will share these sweet little gifts I picked up on Etsy. When I opened the package…I felt a wee bit sad, as well as excitement for my friends!  I remember like it was yesterday when I brought each of my boys home. They fit into these little onesies and it was such a sweet time in my life. Exhausting and overwhelming and sweet all wrapped into one. And this folks…is why I LOVE photography. Time is so fleeting! Enjoy the moments and be thankful for it all.


Kelly Braman Photography specializes in newborn lifestyle photography in Grand Rapids MI