February 13, 2013

Checking In | Kelly Braman Photography | Wedding and Lifestyle Photography in Grand Rapids MI

Hi Guys!  I am just checking in to see how everyone is doing with your goals?  I have to admit…I was a bit “off” this week as my boys had 2 snow days! yes…you heard that right…TWO! lol  I actually love having them home, but they get a bit stir crazy so day 2 cleaned…doesn’t that sound fun?? 😉


Ok…so I woke up with Jack this morning at 6am. I really enjoy chatting with him in the morning and we goof around talk about the week ahead. He is such a great kid! I love being his mama. So when Jack left at 7am…instead of sneaking back into bed…and YES! That is what i would normally do…I started picking up everything that we didn’t get to the night before and made Charlie’s lunch, coffee and read my devotional!  🙂 It really started my day off on the right foot! I went to bed earlier than usual so I wasn’t tempted to climb back into my heated bed and even turned the bed off so it would be easier! LOL

I have kept my office tidy-er 😉 and have given myself grace when my jeans were snug this morning 😉 Work in progress…….work in progress…

Bummer that my belt on my treadmill has slipped and I need to find someone who can help with this…if anyone knows of someone in the Greenville area…let a sista know 😉

I was thinking about my no good awful day yesterday and went grocery shopping. I ran into a friend who had a ton on her plate…then as I was checking out…I noticed a friend from HS’s dad and his daughter who is mentally challenged leaving the store. His wife had passed away  a bit ago and now it is just the two of them. My heart dropped. I realized in that moment how truly blessed I am and how much I have to be thankful for. We honestly do not know our future and I certainly do not want to spend my time sulking about minor things. I am really better than I used to be. I have wonderful friends who pick me up and a husband who constantly reminds me what’s important. God has truly been working on my heart over the years and it has been painful and a blessing! As women…I think it’s easy to see how much we have to do…how far we have to go…we always want to better ourselves, our family, our life…and I just want to take a moment to remind you:  YOU ARE DOING BETTER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE!

*I challenge you to send a note to a friend…text, email or hand written note is even better( but that is my “do better” thing again;) Just let someone special to you know how great they are doing at xyz. I think we have to encourage each other and lift each other up more often! It’s not a contest ladies…it’s about helping others to become all that God wants us to be! Cheers to loving and giving and helping and cheering each other on!!!!!!


On another note: Today is also Ash Wednesday. I do believe it is a great idea to give up something for Lent so I will decide what that will be today. I am leanding towards FB. I think that would be a great idea 🙂 Is anyone else recognizing Ash Wednesday and Lent? I would love to hear your thoughts 🙂


ok…I think that’s enough for now. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday! I am leaving you with a picture of my puppykins. I was laughing in the kitchen this morning and my husband Micah said…Sully sure does make you happy, doesn’t he? We just love our baby dog.

*this is Sullivan Braman in my office. He is truly my shadow 😉

Kelly Braman Photography loves puppies