October 23, 2009

{out of the office!}

Hi All!  I will be out of state shooting a Fabulous wedding in North Carolina  this weekend.  My email and phone access will be limited so if you need to get ahold of me, please be patient:) I will be back in the office on Tuesday and will respond then:)  Please pray for safe travels as I am a baby lately and am a bit panicked about riding on a little plane…I know…I need to quit whining and have faith.  Fear is definitely one of my weaknesses.  I am working on that:)

My dear friend and fabulous photographer, Karyn, will be going with me to second shoot and I am excited to get away for a bit with a her 🙂  It is always more fun to travel with a friend:)

And because a blog post is always much more interesting with a pic…here is a shot of my two precious boys, Jack and Charlie B.  I took this on a whim one night at Klackle’s.  I promised them cider and donuts when we were done, but 20 minutes into shooting they were closed(I said it was a whim:)  I did not disappoint and took them to the grocery store for donuts instead!  I love this one of them….and because they are mine… I think this is the cutest picture ever:) I love them…more than they will ever know:)

*Have a great weekend, everyone:)



mama's babes.

mama's babes.