September 15, 2009

{together::sass family} this family is absolutely ridiculously adorable! I have So many to post so I decided that two previews were in order. I am running out in a few to hear a very fabulous little woman speak tonight, but I know that the Sass Family are patiently waiting to see MORE:)   Here are a few to tide you over.  I will post the rest soon….  I honestly love so many.

*cutest family!

*cutest family!



*we had so much fun:)

*we had so much fun:)

*love it!

*love it!

*could they get any cuter?...I hardly think so:)

*could they get any cuter?...I hardly think so:)

*cousins.  Baby Vivienne popped in for a few shots with her cousins.

*cousins. Baby Vivienne popped in for a few shots with her cousins.

*awe~they love her:)

*awe~they love her:)

*and a peek of part two:)

*are you serious?  This is super cute:)

*are you serious? This is super cute:)